I like cook. My father could cook different recipes .He was character introversion ,for Life pressure was very big .cooking become his life part when being living .He taught eldest brother to cook. .In the autumn of 1987 he died in road accident in other city and then my brother began to cooked in family when he came home after school.(because mum worked in canework factory and came back home very late at night).In one spring,mum feed some chickens and ducks in yard.its had grew up ,mum was intending to sell its in town to change some cost of living. After heavy raining,they were soaked in yard.next days,some of them began to sleep and couldn't stand in yard.one by one to died.My eldest brother put them to cook as soon as brother found out which one couldn't stand or look it at not well . " hi,I will cook nice roast chicken and duck for you"at first day one chicken ,second day two chickens and one duck,three days......... after four days,all of them died by heavy raining for catch cold. brother and sister and I ate many chicken and duck in those days untill all of them died "oh,nice smell.we may put more soy sauce ,maybe better " sitting beside the table we were excited talking about it whild we saw mum was in silence and grieved into tears ,because hope was disillusioned by heavy raining.
After the spring ,there were four kids Learned incidental expenses be waiting for it .Mum's salary only pay rent ,eats a fee and kids were ill to pay medical expenses and so on.Only one day I had borne baby to become a mother also .I understand its feeling finally.-------We love parents more than before at the moment and feel tears rain down our cheeks.
I liked cook in my childhood.my teacher was my eldest brother. He tautht me base step for cooking. I only was 8years old.When I grew up I did it more.espically I feel sadly.I would like cook many foods and enjoying the time. I cook it off,look the nice colours and smell it.
I liked cook in my childhood.my teacher was my eldest brother. He tautht me base step for cooking. I only was 8years old.When I grew up I did it more.espically I feel sadly.I would like cook many foods and enjoying the time. I cook it off,look the nice colours and smell it.
PS: The foods on the picture were cooked by me in kitchen this month!